We can specify that default headers and footers are displayed on all new analyses. For example, footers can contain messages such as a confidentiality notice, the company’s name, and so on. You can specify a default header or footer by creating an XML message that specifies the text and formatting to apply.
Steps :
Step1:Create HeaderAndFooter.xml file with the below content . Here My Header is : ABC Ltd and Footer is : Confidential
Steps :
Step1:Create HeaderAndFooter.xml file with the below content . Here My Header is : ABC Ltd and Footer is : Confidential
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>Step2: Paste HeaderAndFooter.xml in the below locations and restart services.
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm=”com.siebel.analytics.web.messageSystem”>
<WebMessageTable system=”Answers” table=”ViewDefaults”>
<WebMessage name=”kuiCriteriaDefaultViewElements” translate=”no”><HTML>
<view signature=”compoundView” >
<pageProps pageSize=”a4″>
<pageHeader showOnDashboard=”true” show=”true”>
<zone position=”top”><caption>[b]ABC Ltd[/b]</caption>
<displayFormat fontColor=”#FF0000″/></zone>
<pageFooter showOnDashboard=”true” show=”true”>
<zone position=”top”><caption>[b]Confidential[/b]</caption>
<displayFormat fontColor=”#FF0000″/></zone>
<MiddlewareHome>\instances\instance2\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\msgdbStep3:Create analysis in answers and you can find Header and Footer applied by default.