Friday, December 28, 2012

Integrating BI Publisher with Workspace 11.1.2


In this tutorial, you perform the process of integrating BI Publisher with Workspace 11.1.2.


Before starting this tutorial, install and configure Oracle BI Publisher, Hyperion Shared Services (can be on same machine) and Foundation Services 11.1.2 on a separate machine.

Register Oracle BI Publisher with Shared Services and Enable Shared Services Security

Tip: If BI EE and BI Publisher are installed on the same machine, then integrate BI Publisher with Shared Services first. Otherwise the BI Publisher Admin Tab may not appear for the Administrator user.
1.Log in to Oracle BI Publisher with Administrator credentials
Screenshot for Step
2.Selecting the Admin tab to navigate to the Oracle BI Publisher Administration page.
Screenshot for Step

3.Under Integration, click the Hyperion Workspace and Shared Services link to launch the configuration page.
4.In the Database Connection for Hyperion Workspace section, enter the Hyperion Home location where the file is located. Note that you must enter only the Hyperion Home location, not the full path to the file.
Screenshot for Step
5.Click Load Properties.
This will populate the following fields based on the values in the file that you pointed to in the previous step:
  • JDBC Connection String
  • Database Username
  • Database Driver Class
6.The fields in the Hyperion Workspace Registration region are defaulted from the servlet context. You can update these fields if you want to run BI Publisher in both SSL and non-SSL modes; or if you are using a load balancer, enter the server information for the load balancer.
7.In the Hyperion Shared Services Registration region. perform the following tasks:
1. Enter data into the following fields that describe your Shared Services installation:
  • HSS Server � specify the name of the computer where the Shared Services server is installed.
  • HSS Port � specify the Shared Services server port number on which the database listens.
  • HSS Administrator Username � enter the name of the database user.
  • HSS Administrator Password � enter the password for the user you specified.
2. Select Use Hyperion CSS Security Model upon registration. This will automatically change BI Publisher's security model to the Hyperion Common Shared Services security model upon restart. This will also be reflected on the BI Publisher Security Configuration page. Integration with EPM Workspace requires the use of the Hyperion Common Shared Services security model. Important: Before making any changes that impact security, ensure that you have set up a BI Publisher Local Superuser to ensure access to BI Publisher regardless of your selected security configuration.
Screenshot for Step
8.Click Register.
A confirmation message is displayed.
9.Restart your BI Publisher server application for these changes to take effect.
10.Provision BI Publisher Administrator via Hyperion Shared Services
Screenshot for Step

Importing BI Publisher data into the EPM System 11.1.2 Registry

1.On the machine where Foundation Services 11.1.2 is installed copy the following template, bip.xml from
 EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/config/ toMIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/temp
NOTE: the temp directory needs to be created under epmsystem1.
2.Edit the template bip.xml with the relevant host name and port numbers for your BI Publisher installation.
Screenshot for Step

3.From MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1/bin/ run the following .bat (.sh) file::
epmsys_registry.bat createcomponenthierarchy ../temp/bip.xml
Screenshot for Step
4.Run EPM System Configurator and configure the Web Server again. (On the Task Selection page, select the Foundation Services Web Server Configuration task.)
Screenshot for Step
5.Restart the Foundation Services, the Web server, and the Web Application.
6.Login to EPM Workspace with a valid username and password.
7.Click Navigate > Applications to view BI Publisher menu.
Screenshot for Step


In this tutorial, you have learned how to integrate BI Publisher with Workspace 11.1.2.