Thursday, February 14, 2013

OBIEE 11g - Set Default currency in Dashboard

Open the currencies.xml file in the directory $ORACLE_HOME\bifoundation\web\display 

I want to set Default currency as $ to do this.

Step 1:

Currency element for dollar is :  

<Currency tag="loc:en-US" type="local" symbol="$" locale="en-US" format="$#" digits="2">
      <negative tag="parens" format="($#)" />
      <negative tag="minus" format="-$#" />

if you want the dollar symbol as USD instead of $ use this:

<Currency tag="int:USD" type="international" symbol="USD" locale="en-US" digits="2"/>

Step 2:

Search for the text string int:wrhs and replace it with the copied element.

Replace the tag attribute so it reads int:wrhs
ex: replace tag="int:euro-l" with tag="int:wrhs".

<Currency tag="int:wrhs" type="local" symbol="$" locale="en-US" format="$#" digits="2">
      <negative tag="parens" format="($#)" />
      <negative tag="minus" format="-$#" />