Friday, January 4, 2013

OBIEE 11g Master to Detail linking within one report

This will be a series of development techniques that I will add to my blog over the next few
We are going to start with Master Detail Links. This is where we have a 1 report that contains
a summarised table and a detailed chart. You click on a value within a Summary and you get
the detail. Simple.

OBIEE 11g utalises a channel for this its like a variable. You click on a value it holds the variable and whatever chart or table is listening too this variable uses it as a filter.

So im going to Use a column Called Region in this example , Region must exist within my summary table and my detail chart. As you can see I have used Region in my chart but as a slider.

1. We need to assign a channel to the region column in the summary table. This will be
used to pass a value I click on in report to the chart.

2. Edit the report

3. Click on the your column and use the 3 horizontal lines button to edit the properties of the column. This is where we want to assign a channel to the column to pass value to detail graph.

4. Navigate to the Interaction Tab . We want to set the master detail at value level so goto the primary interaction drop down box for value and select Send Master-Detail Events. Fill in a channel name I have called my channel for region R1. Click apply / ok. And close window.

5. Now goto the graph or table what ever it you want to use for the detail. We now need to make the detail listen to the channel for region column, As far as I know the region column must exist within the detail. Edit chart using pencil symbol ( I have placed region within the sections area of the chart and set it to slider).

6. Edit the chart properties using the xyz button. This is where we tell the chart or table to
listen to a channel.

7. Click on Listen to Master-Detail Events and the Channel Name so for my region
column it was R1.
8. Save everything.
Goto Your home page and run the report . If you click on a value within your summary table
you will get the relevant values for details chart or table within the same report.