Friday, January 11, 2013

Oracle DAC System Properties

There are lots of DAC System Properties available which can be handy during inital set up and consequent improvement in the system.Most of the people just configures DAC server host ,DAC server OS and sometimes dac server port and keep rest of the parameter as is.
However sometimes changing those parameter makes lots of may be for debugging/testing or performance improvement.
Let go through these parameter one by one. Lets address the important ones first.
select any of the DAC property and click on Edit to see info on that parameter.
Here is one line description of few DAC server properties.
Server log level – Level of Details DAC collects during execution.Oracle support may ask to set this to higher value to debug the issue
Scheduler.Poll.Interval - Value in seconds as to how often DAC server will poll for changes in Schedule configuration.
Test Run – When set to true, DAC ignores the errors during the execution. This is a helpful parameter during intial dac testing.
SQL Trace -Flagging the SQL Trace to true hints the Database connectivity layer of the DAC Server to enable SQL tracing. Thus every sql that is fired by the DAC server is spooled to the appropriate output log file.Oracle support may ask to set this as true to debug the issue
Script After Every ETL/Script before Every ETL – This parameter along with post_etl/pre_etl runs the task which needs to be excuted as pre and post etl